I found new, professionally looking, long term program: Atlantismutual
Atlantis Mutual Investment Alliance defines success in simple terms...mutual profit and mutual success. We remain focused on these key goals whatever happens. Atlantis MIA strives to be a leading provider of multi-manager investment portfolios and related services. Our mission is to provide the highest quality investment management products to clients from all over the world and deliver exceptional service
Total Return: 105%
Investment term: 7 days
Minimum investment: $5

Total Return: 120%
Investment term: 21 days
Minimum investment: $25

Total Return: 191%
Investment term: 60 days
Minimum investment: $100

Total Return: 391%
Investment term: 120 days
Minimum investment: $500

They accept LR, PM
Learn more: http://atlantismutual.com/?r=ID7450