I'm not the Admin

New project. Start 02.01.10

Accept: LR, SP

128 Bit SSL, Licensed Script, Ddos Protection


7 days
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Trial $50 - $3,500 2.50

Short Term 14 days
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Basic $50 - $3,500 7.00
Standard $3,501 - $5,000 8.00

Long Term 28 days
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
VIP $3,500 and more 20.00

Просмотр и Регистрация

My deposite:

Date 1/2/2010 16:18
Payment mode Account
Batch 25821377
To U7424497 (My eFUNDS)
From U1725123 (Barhyip)
Amount $50.00
Memo Deposit to myefunds.net User Barhyip