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From the site : C-GoldInvestment

C-GOLDINVESTMENT COMPANY:: (C-GOLDINV) is an Online Private Investment Company established under the United State Of America (U.S.A) security act 1933 to carry out her activities by helping Individuals, Firms, Company, Public Establishments e.t.c to secure their funds and also help them maximize their investments for a better future. As a Private Online Investment Company we tend to provide every client in our company various ways, method and skill on how to excell financialy as a business man, woman or as an individual. Every funds of our client invested in our company are secured in other financial company(s) like the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Market(NYSE), FOREX TRADE, METALS(GOLD, SILVER AND BRONZE) TRADE, OIL TRADE e.t.c to help us yield a better profit. We wish everybody a happy investment term! See you in the Company.

A 110% AFTER 1 DAY
$1 - $5 B 200%AFTER 1 DAYS
$100 - $1000 C 250% AFTER 1DAY
$1001 - $5000
$1000 - $5000 E 20% DAILY FOR 1MONTH
$5000 - $10000 F 20% DAILY FOR 1YEAR
$10,000 - $50,000

DDOS Protection.
Instant Withdrawal.
Friendly Support Service 24/7.
All payments are made to your Account Instantly.
Minimum Spend is $1 and the Maximum is $50.000.
5% Referral Commission.
All transaction are handled via Libertyreserve,