I am not the admin of the program.



Daily Plan - 36% daily for 30 trading days - 1080% total
Weekly Plan - 240% weekly for 6 weeks - 1440% total
Monthly Plan - 1500% monthly for 2 months - 3000% total

Simply enter amount you want to spend, point your valid e-mail address (it will be used to inform you about significant program updates and will not be given to third parties), then click button. Minimum investment is $1 and Maximum investment is $5000.

Currently we offer: daily plan - you will receive 36% daily interest for 30 trading days (1080% total return), and weekly plan - 240% weekly for 6 weeks (1440% total return), and monthly plan - 1500% monthly for 2 months (3000% total return). All payments are made directly to your account on trading days only (i.e. from Monday till Friday inclusive, no payments on Saturdays and Sundays).

Referral program: we will pay you 5% of each spend made by persons you refer.
Your can make deposit to our program by using the form at the bottom of this page.

Here follows you referral link: http://www.vivid-finance.com/?XXXXXXX and all you need to do is to replace XXXXXXX with your own account number, then promote your referral link to attract new members to our Investment Program, but please do not use SPAM. Referral commission will be paid next trading day after your referral will make a spend. Please note, you need to be Vivid Finance member, if you want to receive referral fees. You also can use our banners.

Daily Plan - 36% daily for 30 trading days - 1080% total
Weekly Plan - 240% weekly for 6 weeks - 1440% total
Monthly Plan - 1500% monthly for 2 months - 3000% total

Simply enter amount you want to spend, point your valid e-mail address (it will be used to inform you about significant program updates and will not be given to third parties), then click button. Minimum investment is $1 and Maximum investment is $5000.

Currently we offer: daily plan - you will receive 36% daily interest for 30 trading days (1080% total return), and weekly plan - 240% weekly for 6 weeks (1440% total return), and monthly plan - 1500% monthly for 2 months (3000% total return). All payments are made directly to your account on trading days only (i.e. from Monday till Friday inclusive, no payments on Saturdays and Sundays).

Referral program: we will pay you 5% of each spend made by persons you refer.
Your can make deposit to our program by using the form at the bottom of this page.

Here follows you referral link: http://www.vivid-finance.com/?XXXXXXX and all you need to do is to replace XXXXXXX with your own account number, then promote your referral link to attract new members to our Investment Program, but please do not use SPAM. Referral commission will be paid next trading day after your referral will make a spend. Please note, you need to be Vivid Finance member, if you want to receive referral fees. You also can use our banners.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.