Perspective fonds! 170 days stably pay!


8 % weekly forever
min: 30 $
max: 100 $

9 % weekly forever
min: 101 $
max: 1000 $

10 % weekly forever
min: 1001 $
max: 15000 $

Payments of times in a week on Fridays
Accept LR, SP, STP and PM

registration in sazainvestments

Some last payments!

Has received payment very quickly!
Date: 2009-10-9
батч: 20811451
The payer: U8351959
The sum: 8.09

Payment! + реф %

Date: 2009-08-10 11:21:00 PM
From/To Account: U8351959 (Saza Investments)
Amount: 245.0000
Currency: LRUSD
Batch: 20777872
Memo: Saza Investments
