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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default 100%-165% Interest Paid Every 60 Days Investment Opportunity

    Earn 100% - 150%+ Interest on top of Principle GUARANTEED. An excellent investment opportunity for all those that have always wanted to achieve the ever elusive Houdini style trick of Creating an income or vast wealth from Credit (Impossible? Read on). This is applicable also to individuals with disposable incomes and people that want to grow their wealth RISK FREE but want all the great returns associated with HYIP and other high risk investments without the pitfalls. Visit and open an investment account (It takes less than 5 minutes - Old Swiss Bank style). The bank is internet based thus is not under any jurisdictional obligations or rhetorical hypocrisy, invasion of privacy, strategic deprivation of civil liberties disguised as due diligence pathetically masquerading as KYC. This IBIB (Internet Based Investment Bank) accepts all e-Currencies Paypal included (Verified or UnVerified - 40 Day compulsory hold to avoid charge backs on all Unverified Paypal & Credit Card Funded Investments), MoneyBookers, Credit Cards (Through Paypal), Liberty Reserve, Pecunix, C-Gold, Western Union, Moneygram, Cash Deposits, e-Gold and Bank Wires. The best part is that your deposits earn Phenomenal Interest and you can deposit in any currency and withdraw (NO NAME DEBIT CARD INCLUDED + + + THE DEBIT CARD COMES COMPLETE WITH A U.S BANK ACCOUNT WHICH YOU CAN USE TO VERIFY & WITHDRAW PAYPAL, MONEYBOOKERS, ADSENSE, CLICKBANK, 2CHECKOUT, ALERTPAY ETC) in any Currency or e-Currency you desire.

    Interest rates are as follows:

    - Liberty Reserve: 150% (40 Days minimum investment period)
    - Paypal Deposits: 100% (40 Days minimum investment period)
    - MoneyBookers: 150% (40 Days minimum investment period)
    - Pecunix: 150% (40 Days minimum investment period)
    - C-Gold: 150% (40 Days minimum investment period)
    - E-Gold: 100% (40 Days minimum investment period – Turn your e-Gold into money once again)
    - Bank Deposits or Wires: 150% (40 Days minimum investment period)
    - Credit Cards 100% (40 Days minimum investment period) - Perfect way to evade interest Payments on your Credit Cards & strategically convert Credit into Income - An innovative first!

    2 typical examples or scenarios below:

    - If you Deposit $10,000.00 Liberty Reserve into e-Bank then after 40 Days you get $25,000.00 GUARANTEED in Liberty Reserve/Bank wire, Pecunix etc (Whichever you prefer to withdraw to)

    - If you Deposit $2,000.00 Paypal or Credit Card then after 40 Days you get $4,000.00 GUARANTEED in Liberty Reserve, Bank Wire, Pecunix etc (Whichever you prefer to withdraw to)

    - If you Deposit $10,000.00 e-Gold then after 40 Days you get $25,000.00 GUARANTEED in Liberty Reserve, Bank Wire, Pecunix etc (Whichever you prefer to withdraw to)


    Paypal Unverified and Credit Cards are accepted through Paypal as long as after your 40 Day investment period there are no Charge Backs and you can then even withdraw it to Liberty Reserve, Western Union or Bank Wire etc. There is no maximum limit as to the amount you can deposit or invest and best of all your investment is 100% LIQUID thus you can withdraw your funds within 24hrs notice even before the expiration of the minimum 40 Day Gestation Period (But you forfeit all interest accrued or earned - for the layman among us). This works best for people that want to create an income from Credit or disposable income or people that have funds that they are not using in their e-Currency or regular Banking or checking accounts or on their Credit Cards or who have access to loans and want to beat the high interest charges. Another example:

    - If you borrow money or apply and take out a loan from your regular bank say $20,000.00 at 10% APR (This means that after 12 months you owe your bank $22,000.00 – in layman terms)
    - Now here is the good part, if you take this $20,000.00 and invest in e-Bank it will earn 150% interest every 40 Days (Yep! $30,000.00 every 40 Days) meaning that (if you are patient) after 12 months your $20,000.00 will be $273,750.00 then you can pay your bank their petty $22,000.00 then you are left with $271,750.00 in pure GAINS for yourself (Unbelievable?) NO! Just take a look at a regular banks balance sheet (Barclays Bank UK alone posted a $2Billion profit (IN A RECESSION? And that’s just Q1) Yes but e-Bank is not selfish like regular commercial banks and shares it’s gains with its clients not rip them off using their money to make money then impose bank charges on them?
    - So in this above scenario you will have used CREDIT to create INCOME by hedging through e-Bank and you can repay your loan and still make a profit in the process just another good reason to migrate to e-Bank
    - The 40 Day principle works even in the Bible this is financial “Fasting” a deprivation that will benefit you greatly after every 40 Days

    Rather than paying account charges let your money work for you. This is an anonymous old school Swiss type setup no KYC rubbish here e-Bank stands for EASY BANK and best of all these investments are 100% GUARANTEED and absolutely RISK FREE! The Bank assumes all risk and GUARANTEES you your interest and principle regardless of market conditions. You also have an option to keep the principle invested and only withdraw the interest thereby creating a mini income for yourself (Obviously the principles of interest apply here i.e. the higher your principle the higher your returns)

    Typical example of recurring interest:

    - Deposit $10,000.00 Liberty Reserve into e-Bank and withdraw $7,500.00 every month! Which can be setup to automatically payout by Bank Wire, Liberty Reserve, C-Gold, Pecunix etc without any intervention (It is like receiving your monthly salary – cool huh? It gets better read on)

    For those skeptics and scam singers (The adage that if it sounds too good to be true, then it usually is, has no implication here directly or otherwise due solely to the robust options & flexibility offered here) there is actually no minimum or maximum deposit or investment criteria here. You can start with $1.00 or $1,000,000.00 ANONYMOUSLY and it’s 100% LEGAL because NO JURISDICTION & NO CONSTITUTION = NO PARLIAMENT = NO LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE LEGISLATION = NO LAW - WELCOME TO THE INTERNET WWW. (WILD WILD WEST)! I hope this post is not too long (My enthusiasm gets the better of me too often) make it a priority to visit and support a good cause (At least someone still has the balls to stand up for what they believe in without being cowed - I would also like to congratulate UBS Bank in Switzerland for also standing up against the status quo) Since we never found any WMD's or the REAL people behind the atrocities (Though I don't support or condone anything against the innocent I am just a neutral free thinker & ITS A FREE WORLD FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION & ALL THAT JAZZ AFTER ALL, YES?). Or was it all just an M.I.B created & orchestrated or rather convenient situation that allowed "Them" to start prying into our private lives under the adage "Anti-Money Laundering" & KYC (Know Your Client) which is or rather was a smoke screen for their paranoia at the FACT that those with sufficient Funds could unite, fund and VOTE "Them" out of Power DEMOCRATICALLY (Dog bites the master) so they want to keep tabs on who's making how much, where and how under the guise of PROTECTING US? (WE ARE THE ONES THAT NEED PROTECTION FROM THESE VULTURES – ANYONE THAT DOES NOT SHARE THEIR VIEW IS AUTOMATICALLY A RADICAL?) I also believe in Leading by example and given Guantanamo Bay I think we can all see who the REAL Bad guys are here. We can't do or condone EVIL to prevent EVIL as justification for our conscience for in so doing we become EVIL as well in the process "Anyway my apologies this is now politics and the wrong place to post", Just food for thought though? My fellow free thinkers and I will leave you on that note! Enjoy and I hope you all make lots of money! We should all support people like e-Bank and UBS Bank Switzerland (For those that are out of the know this is the largest bank in Switzerland that told the U.S to go and screw themselves because they still believe in BANK SECRECY and PRIVACY) they clearly understand, know and respect that privacy is a RIGHT & that financial greed is what caused the recession in the first place so we should all support such institutions and shun the so called “SAFE” commercial banks that have ruined the worlds financial system (WHERE IS THE SAFETY NOW?) with their arrogant so called “Financial Expertise” and greedy behaviors while paying irresponsible CEO’s millions of $ that should go to you the investor because it is your money after all that they are using to make more money in the first place then they have the audacity to impose hefty bank charges on you. REMEMBER without you the investor or depositor they have NOTHING so stop giving these vipers your money and start using your own money to make money visit e-Bank (For Investors) or switch to UBS Switzerland (For commercial banking)

    The Last Standing Good Samaritan

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  3. #2
    Senior Investor F-Monitor's Avatar
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    Good design & nice plans!

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