Hello and welcome to my new program, My name is Roger Miller and I was the administrator of Investimates and USDozen. I always give a straightforward and all-honest approach when it comes to managing my programs and many members can attest to that. Making money is like planting tomatoes, they grow fast, bear fruits but also rot in a short period of time. So the best thing to do is, plant your tomato seeds (deposit) , water them regularly (promote, advertise so new members join), let them grow (12 days) , and then harvest after they're ready (withdraw) before they rot, and then plant new seeds and harvest again and again (TEAMWORK) .

Now in order to be able to harvest more tomatoes , you may plant more seeds regularly or as many times as you want (you can deposit multiple times) .

Depositing at investomato is like planting, follow the process of planting tomatoes and everything should be well.

Started Sept. 3, 2009
Running Days 2
Total Members 841
Members Online 8
Total Deposits $73295
Tomato Seed Planted
I just planted the first tomato seed at . Let us see who will follow? Let the game begin!
2009-09-03 10:37:43