New FAST, has caught it from a network, has enclosed while 10$, would write to the manager that has added my code... In general I wait the first payment... If will pay I will add 5 more $...
The project is protected from DDOS Attacks, Pleasant design and in general we will estimate the project, on what it is capable.

Up to 108 %-120 % after 1 day
$1.00 - $250.00 108.00 %
$251.00 - $500.00 112.00 %
$501.00 - $1000.00 116.00 %
$1001.00 - $2500.00 120.00 %

Up to 130 %-150 % after 2 day
$50.00 - $500.00 120.00 %
$501.00 - $1000.00 130.00 %
$1001.00 - $2500.00 140.00 %
$2501.00 - $5000.00 150.00 %

Up to 150 %-205 % after 3 day
$250.00 - $1000.00 150.00 %
$1001.00 - $2500.00 175.00 %
$2501.00 - $5000.00 190.00 %
$5001.00 - $10000.00 205.00 %

Referral Comission - 10 %

Date 3/12/2009 19:51
Batch 12926316
To U1854878 (Grand Craft Investment Fund)
Amount $10.00
Memo Deposit from greeling