I'm not the admin.

Ensco Offshore manage in the main following markets:

50% of the main investment by the company is related to quick-yield markets like: stock, gold, Forex and oil markets.

50% is done in newly established markets including Bio technology, IT, infrastructure, Nano-technology and in different agricultural sectors through the globe. But in different industrial, civil fields.

Being succeeded in these fields, Ensco Offshore proceeded to now investment and development of its activity.

During a 10 year抯 period has assisted numerous companies and investors through expanded projects such as servicing, capital attraction toward minimizing the risk and improving output rate for meeting macro economic objectives.

Advantages investment by Ensco Offshore:

- 100% Investment guaranteed by backup funds over 5 million US dollar.

- Up to 3.5% daily yield for 60 calendar days investment.

- Capital investment can be withdraw anytime before 60 days.

- 5% referral commission program.

- Encrypted member account with Secure connection.

- Fully DDOS Protection.

- Live support online 7 day a week.
Program Url:http://ensco-offshore.com/