I am not the admin of the program.


The EBI Group is: "Setting The Standard In The Online Investment World."


Welcome to the Edward Brown Investment Group, LTD, and thank you for taking the time to visit our site and allowing us to provide an overview of the structure, philosophy and disciplined methodology we at the EBI group are committed to bring to all of our clients and investors.

First and foremost, our primary mission is to generate REAL money for our investors, as ALL investment firms should. Here at the EBI group, we believe in giving industry competitive ROI's (Returns on your investment principal.) We can do this by investing in other lucrative opportunities.

This is usually the place on the page where I tell you, "We make money by investing in forex". Well, that's not the case. I don't LIE to my investors, partially because I know that they are not STUPID. If there WAS really an investor that could guarantee even 0.5% daily interest, he would be one of the most famous people on the world. If you're curious to find out what it is that I invest in then, read the 'Investment Strategy' page at the top.

To learn more about the company, its philosophies and goals, please read the 'History' page located in the top toolbar also.

Before we end this page though, let's talk about some of the advantages of investing in the Edward Brown Investment Group, Ltd, versus any other investment program on the internet.


- We can offer you up to 3% daily yield or even more, although not guaranteed, I have made transactions that have profited clients as much as 5% in a single DAY.

- 95% Guaranteed return of the principle and interest after the maturity. With my proven strategy, It is nearly GUARANTEED that you will make money. Although, as with any legitimate investment opportunity, there is a risk.

- The principal and profit paid on maturity period.

- We have many different plans, varying on length and profit earned.

- UNMATCHED customer service in the industry. I have been in the hyip arena for a long time, and I have never seen customer service that even comes CLOSE to what is offered at EBI.

- Low Minimum deposit accepted, which is $20.

- No corporation / Income / withholding tax. We don't take taxes out of your profits, you can do that yourself. ;)

- Direct, manual payouts. We pay you out at the maturity of the investment AUTOMATICALLY, which means you just sit back and relax, the money will come in by itself.

Thank you again for visiting. Enjoy your stay, I look forward to doing business with you. Please look around the site, and ask me all questions that you may have.

Have a sincerely great day.

Best Regards,

Edward Brown

CEO Of Edward Brown Investment Group, Ltd. www.edwardbrowninvestments.com

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7 Day Plans
The 7 day plan for EBI. Earn a reasonable ROI in a short period of time.
Level Spent Amount Payout
Starter 20.00 - 100.00 103.50%
Dream Team Money 100.01 - 500.00 104.00%
Professional 500.01 - 999.00 105.50%

10 Day Plans
The 10 day plans here at EBI. These are our most poplar, and earn you the highest interest rate possible. You are paid at the end of the period. (10 days.)
Level Spent Amount Payout
Gold 20.00 - 100.00 107.00%
Edward Brown 100.01 - 500.00 109.00%
Diamond 500.01 - 999.00 110.00%

30 Day Plans
The King of all plans here at EBI. If you have a lot of money to invest, then invest it here. Your investment will be PERSONALLY watched over for the 30 days, and you will be paid out at the end, with regular investment reports throughout the month. If you would like more info on this plan, please contact us.

Level Spent Amount Payout
Serious Investors 1000.00 - 3000.00 125.00%
Bald Eagle 3000.01 - 5000.00 130.00%
"Wow, You're Rich!" 5000.01 - 25000.00 135.00%

Deposit Money To Your Account
If you would like to get money into your account at EBI WITHOUT depositing to a plan, this is the place to get it. All deposits will show up in your account after exactly one hour. :)
Level Spent Amount Payout
Deposit Money 1.00 - 25000.00 100.00%

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.