
My Name is Karsten and I live in Germany.
I'm online for more than 4 years in the financial area. I opened now at summertime my own reliable business: Summer Flow
(I'm the admin). I invest my money and yours in a couple of very stable offline financial opportunities.

The program plans are as follows:
Cash Balance: 0.5% daily forever, withdrawable at any time
Investment: 2.5% daily for 90 days, returns 225%

Referral-Bonus: 6% for each deposit
Accepted payment processors: Liberty Reserve

I've self-programmed the payout script. I wanted my own so I don't need support from the seller and can react immediately if there are any problems. It took more than 4 months to program it but I'm a person which want individuality and to testify something for myself. I believe that success can only come true by strong ambition.
I've tested the script completely but if you find an error or a bug, please tell me and I will correct it immediately.

I choose the name Summer Flow because I can't hear the word 'fund' any more. Most programs make use of that word. Thats boring, uncreative and not very authentic. And more I can't understand why everyone need mans in suits and ties, like bankers. I'm not an impersonal Bank, I'm an alive human. :)
The theme of my program is about sunflowers which I like much. They are golden, sunny and a symbol of strength. You must seeding them to grow. When they grow they do it very fast - going up high into the air so nobody can ignore them.

If you have any suggestions please post it here or send me an email.

Click here to go to my site: www.SummerFlow.com