I am not the admin of the program.


Onis Group is a private investment program, backed by Gold, Forex, Bonds, Stocks trading, and investments in various funds and activities all over the world. Our mission is to provide our investors with a great opportunity for their funds by investing as prudently as possible in various arenas to gain high rates in return. We do have a reliable and profitable source of real net income, based on the real


Silver plan
Minimum deposit: 1 USD
Minimum payout: 1% daily
Maximum payout: 2% daily
Term: 30 calendar days
Gold Gold plan
Minimum deposit: 1000 USD
Minimum payout: 1.2% daily
Maximum payout: 2.2% daily
Term: 60 calendar days
Platinum Platinum plan
Minimum deposit: 5000 USD
Minimum payout: 1.5% daily
Maximum payout: 2.5% daily
Term: 90 calendar days
Bonus Bonus plan
Minimum deposit: 10 USD
Minimum payout: 1.3% daily
Maximum payout: 2.3% daily
Term: 10 calendar days

We offer several payment plans with floating interest, which depends on company's profit. You can also choose any compounding rate to increase your earnings further. Note: maximum deposit is not limited.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.