I am not the admin of the program.


Welcome to Kaylite Capital-The Link to your Financial Solution
Kaylite Capital formally welcomes investors all over the world as we officially launch our program online.
Kaylite Capital has been offering offline services for the past two years to our numerous investors .The decision to make it online is part of our objective to expand our network globally and also due to demand for us to give so many people all over the world opportunity to be part of a reputable and registered company with good track record.
Join us and be part of a great success by securing your tomorrow today with us and your live will never remain the same, only if you take that bold step now. The future belongs to those that are prepared for it.
Welcome on board.

Investment Opportunity
We Offer you imvestment Opportunities to Earn within a range of 120% to 200% including your Initial Deposit for each Deposit you make. The Minimum Deposit amount is $ 10 and the Maximum Deposit amount is $ 10,000.

Investment Plan Summary

Investment Plan Invested Amount (USD) Profit Period *
Plan1 10 - 10,000 1.5% - 2.0% For 100 days
Plan2 50 - 2,500 20% - 30% After 30 days
Plan3 50 - 10,000 35% - 50% After 60 days
Plan4 50 - 10,000 60% - 100% After 90 days

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.