I'm not admin here!
ElsaBit is a corporation that specializes in bitcoin arbitrage. The bitcoin industry is the most promising sort of revenue in our day. Our crew has extensive knowledge of the arbitrage and trading markets. The bitcoin market transactions are profitable profitable profit because of our professionals' daily accurate and competent analysis. We are market-oriented and strive to maximize profit in all of our deals.

102.5% After 1 day
Minimum $10
Maximum $100000

125% After 3 Days
Minimum $500
Maximum $100000

150% After 5 Days
Minimum $1000
Maximum $100000

240% After 10 Days
Minimum $2000
Maximum $100000

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Other Script
Registrar NameCheap, Inc.
Created on 2023-10-04
Expires on 2024-10-04
Updated on 2023-10-09
Accept: Epaycore, USDT, Alcoin, Bitcoin,....

Join here: https://elsabit.biz/css/?uplink=hyiptank"]https://elsabit.biz/[/url]

Instant Paying:

Transaction ID: 2034206
Date of transaction: 11.10.2023 16:19
Amount: 0.64 USD
Note: Invoice #21, hyiptank