Start of Project: 23.04.2020

Hour-Bet Limited is a long-term, stable and profitable betting company. At present, we have many profitable areas, such as sports betting, baccarat, Roulette, Slot Machine, and other market activity investments.
The profits from these investments can be used to enhance our plan and improve its long-term stability. Our experienced team of highly-skilled traders, based on endless talents and rich experience, adopt unique skills and strategies, which can make your funds grow under their skilled and prudent management.

Domain: NameCheap, Inc., 2018-11-28 - 2020-11-28
Hosting: [United Kingdom] Genius Security Ltd
IP-address: (live sites on IP: 1)
SSL: Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Sectigo Limited, valid: 16 Apr 2020 - 16 Apr 2021
Script: Gold Coders - licensed
Originality: design: 0 | template: 0

Plans: From 1.12% to 1.25% Hourly for 92 hours (Minimum 10.00, Principle Included) | From 4.00% to 9.00% Hourly for 48 hours (Minimum 480.00, Principle Included) | From 10.00% to 19.00% Hourly for 24 hours (Minimum 2020.00, Principle Included)

Min: $10.00
Referral: 3%-5%-10%
Payments type: Instant
Payment processors: BitcoinPerfect MoneyPayeerLitecoinEthereum

Investment :

The amount of 10 USD has been withdrawn from your account. Accounts: U4222871->U22796777. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Deposit to User nelomota.. Date: 09:16 23.04.20. Batch: 311795228.

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