Start of Project: 12.03.2020

EraFx7 is an Artificial Intelligence Asset Management Company that uses the advance software tools to trade in Forex/Crypto market to generate income for our investors.
We use large amounts of historic information when analyzing trading data in real-time, providing us with better insights into the market and helping us shape our trading strategy according to the current market’s volatility.

Domain: NameCheap, Inc., 2020-03-06 - 2021-03-06
Hosting: [USA] Namecheap, Inc
IP-address: (live sites on IP: 18)
SSL: Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA Sectigo Limited, valid: 09 Mar 2020 - 02 Oct 2020
Script: Gold Coders - licensed
Originality: design: 0 | template: 0

Plans: 0.23% Hourly Forever (Minimum 5.00) | 0.27% Hourly Forever (Minimum 250.00) | 0.35% Hourly Forever (Minimum 1100.00) | 0.44% Hourly Forever (Minimum 2500.00)

Min: 5$
Referral: 8-2-1-1-1%
Payments type: Instant
Payment processors: BitcoinPerfect MoneyPayeerLitecoinEthereum

Investment :

The amount of 5 USD has been withdrawn from your account. Accounts: U4222871->U17574502. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Deposit to User nelomota.. Date: 20:40 12.03.20. Batch: 306941515.