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CometaLP is an open investment Fund. Our company provides access to the global investment market, to anyone interested. Our objective is to increase the investment portfolio of the company and receiving a Commission profit. Activities: 1) Receiving dividends from companies whose shares we already own and the distribution of profits between investors. 2) We actively invest and diversify the depositors ' funds in securities and stocks, the most promising companies and startups in the field of artificial intelligence at an early stage. After increasing their market value, we sell them and fix income. A high index of return is guaranteed through continuous and stable market growth of artificial intelligence, increase market value and market capitalization of the companies in which Cometa LP is a minority shareholder. For you this is a great opportunity to become an investor, businessman and receive passive income. We operate in 2016, and are an officially registered company in the UK. National legislation of this country provides convenient tools for corporate and tax planning. Information about this You can check in the public registry. In 2018, we opened our first office in Moscow and plan to further expand our geography. Our partners can be absolutely quiet, because their investment is protected not only by Russian, but also British law.

0.85%-2% Daily For 25 Days / 18.5%-50% After 35 Days

Minimal Spend: 20$ / Maximal Spend: 10000$

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Other Script
Created on 2018-03-14
Expires on 2020-03-14
Updated on 2018-04-29
Accept: PM, Payeer, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, ETH, BCH, DASH,..

Join here: https://cometalp.com/

My deposit:
The amount of 50 USD has been withdrawn from your account.
Accounts: U4603107->U12456834.
Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Order 1492144..
Date: 00:40 13.10.19. Batch: 284472572.