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Active Group Invest


Active Group Invest is a leading alliance in the market for financial services. Our employees are financial experts and gurus of FinTech analytics who implement investment projects in the carefully studied and proven business sectors: stock market, real estate, and alternative energy sources. Clear implementation of the investment strategy and professionalism of the employees secure the companies constant revenue stream.


116 % after 14 days
Min. Investment 0.01 BTC
Total Return 116% (16% Net)
Principal return at the end of term

140 % for 20 weekdays
Min. Investment 0.01 BTC
Total Return 140% (40% Net)
Principal Included (7% Daily)

211 % for 44 weekdays
Min. Investment 0.01 BTC
Total Return 211% (111% Net)
Principal Included (4,8% Daily)

Referral Program - 5%-2%-1%
Payments: manual
Minimum for withdrawal - 0.01 BTC, 0.2 ETH, 0.4 Dash, 0.5 LTC, 0.5 XMR, 100 XRP
Payment systems: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dashcoin, Litecoin, Ripple, and Monero.

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0.8 Ether ($207.36)