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110% for 3 days
Plan Deposit Amount Daily Profit (%)
1 $10.00 - $149.99 35.00
2 $150.00 - $500.00 36.67

150% for 7 days
Plan Deposit Amount Daily Profit (%)
3 $250.00 - $5000.00 21.43

170% for 15 days
Plan Deposit Amount Daily Profit (%)
4 $5.00 - $10000.00 11.34

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Licensed Script
Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com
Created 2018-01-27
Updated 2018-05-07
Accept: PM, Payeer, Advcash

Join here: https://goldhours.cc/

My deposit:
Date: 10.05.2018 15:04:06 (UTC+3)
Payment date: 10.05.2018 15:05:12 (UTC+3)
Recipient: goldhours.cc / goldhours.cc [complain]
Comments: Deposit to GoldHours.cc User hyiptank
Payeer ID: 69765701 - Payment system: Payeer - Amount: 121.16 USD