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Wickedhyip.com official website is protected by 2048 bit encryption by trusted company comodo securities. Ev SSL represented by the colour green that symbolise the trusted and secured network for member to website. Every webpage of wickedhyip.com is secured and faithfull encryption hence all members data are secured and safe also the all deposit and withdraw from and to the website be safe ensured.
wickedhyip.com is highly secured by anti ddos protection of Genius guard , that ensure that every data of the website will be secured at very high level at anytime at any place wickedhyip.com will be live and member can access their account anytime securely.From the very beginning we were devoted to our clients' success. So even if all you have is an original idea of starting a business of your dreams,we know how to get it started.Our support staff is working 24*7 week. feel free to contact us anytime for any question you have or any complex situation you are in, you are always welcome at wickedhyip.com

115% - 125% After 1 Day
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $3.00 - $500.00 115.00
Plan 2 $501.00 - $10000.00 125.00

130% - 150% After 3 Days
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $3.00 - $500.00 130.00
Plan 2 $501.00 - $10000.00 150.00

350% - 500% After 5 Days
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $3.00 - $500.00 350.00
Plan 2 $501.00 - $10000.00 500.00

750% -1000% After 10 Days
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $3.00 - $500.00 750.00
Plan 2 $501.00 - $10000.00 1000.00

1250% - 1500% After 15 Days

Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $3.00 - $500.00 1250.00
Plan 2 $501.00 - $10000.00 1500.00

2000% - 2500% After 20 Days
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $3.00 - $500.00 2000.00
Plan 2 $501.00 - $10000.00 2500.00

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Licensed Script
Created on 2018-04-27
Expires on 2019-04-27
Updated on 2018-04-27
Accept: PM, Payeer, Bitcoin, Advcash

Join here: https://wickedhyip.com/

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The amount of 35 USD has been withdrawn from your account.
Accounts: U4603107->U15792089. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment.
Deposit to wickedhyip.com User hyiptank..
Date: 03:42 30.04.18. Batch: 212961778.