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what is bitcoin
New Currency - New Lifestyle!

Bitcoin is a revolutionary invention of the last decade. Its essential meaning is digitization of money. It became the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network for using without any central authority or middlemen. To be brief, Bitcoin is the Internet money. Its original purpose is providing all people with universal currency for different operations. Bitcoin can also be described as the most popular triple entry bookkeeping system in existence.

BASIC START - 7% daily (0.2917% every hour). Period 20 days,
Min 10 USD . Maximum 10000 USD. Principal return.

BASIC - 10% daily (0.4166% every hour). Period 20 days
Min 100 USD . Maximum 10000 USD. Principal return.

BEST START - 260% after 20 days
Min 10 USD . Maximum 10000 USD. Principal return.

BEST - 300% after 17 days
Min 100 USD . Maximum 10000 USD. Principal return.

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Other Script
Registrar Internet Domain Service BS Corp
Created 2018-01-11
Updated 2018-03-13
Accept: PM, Payeer, Bitcoin, ETH

Join here: https://bit-miners.org/

My deposit:
The amount of 120 USD has been withdrawn from your account.
Accounts: U4603107->U8785944. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment.
User 83817, Voroline..
Date: 15:56 12.04.18. Batch: 211384878.