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Investment Plans:0.87%-1.00% hourly for 120 hours,1.5%-2.5% hourly for 72 hours,10.0%-20.0% hourly for 24 hours

Min Spend $5

Referral Commission 3%

Withdrawal Type Instant

DDoS Protection by CloudFlare

Welcome to BitcoHourly.com

Welcome to Bitco Hourly. Bitcoin is often said to be a deflationary currency, so it’s very difficult to create an interest-paying project in Bitcoin. Although, since new bitcoins are still being created, and as long as this process is still occurring (estimated to end in 2140), Bitcoin is in fact inflationary. As the rate at which coins are created increase, so will interest rates. Professional mathematical models show us that offering compound interest rates in Bitcoin can be possible, so we’ve decided to offer a series of investment plan whose interest rate range from 0.87% to 20% per hour.
Plans Details:

Starter Plan
hourly for 120 hours

Ref: 3%
Instant Withdraw
Accept: Bitcoin, Litecoin,
PM, Ethereum, Payeer, Advchsh

Premium Plan
hourly for 72 hours

Ref: 5%
Instant Withdraw
Accept: Bitcoin, Litecoin,
PM, Ethereum, Payeer, Advchsh

Unlimited Plan
hourly for 24 hours

Ref: 10%
Instant Withdraw
Accept: Bitcoin, Litecoin,
PM, Ethereum, Payeer, Advchsh