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Environmental pollution reaches alarming levels. Only over the course of the past 5 years, the level of CO2 released into the atmosphere has grown by almost 30%.
And today, the problem of preserving the environment suitable for life for the sake of generation to come is especially acute and relevant.
There are many environment protection programs targeted at reducing hazardous emissions into the atmosphere. But most of them aim at localization and reduction of emissions originating directly from the sources of CO2. This applies to cars with internal combustion engines, as well as aircrafts and other vehicles and industrial facilities fueled by hydrocarbons.
In addition, measures related to hazardous emissions reduction also aim at minimizing hazardous emissions generated by heat power plants.
Such commitments are typical for the vast majority of environmental programs. At the current development stage of environmental protection activities, there are few solutions successfully created and introduced into common use effectively helping to combat emissions and environmental pollution in other fields of human activities.


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Hosting provider TerraTransit AG, Amarutu Technology Ltd
Registrar NameCheap Inc.
Created 2017-04-23
Updated 2017-07-21
Accept: PM, Payeer, Bitcoin, Advcash

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