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Start 29.05.2017

BITBUTTERFLY is an officially registered - CompanyNumber 10731490. Our company was originally created to become the most comfortable platform for cryptocurrency trading. Today, we have our own professional team, which consists of the best traders and programmers, who have developed an effective system for investment in exchange trading. Therefore, anyone can become an investor.

Cooperation with our company is easy and transparent, without any hidden fees or other ‘surprises’ that might not always be pleasant for investors. Our company is registered in the UK. We have an extensive experience in the marketplace trading, which allows us to guarantee steady income for our investors. In addition, our platform has been developing steadily to remain the most effective in the future.

The fundamental principles of our effectiveness are: using the experience gained by the best experts, and minimization of risks, thanks to examination of the cryptocurrency marketplace trading and a business-model that has already established itself as the most effective one. All exchanges operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without breaks, so you’ll get revenue every hour, regardless of any circumstances.

Risks are distributed among traders; this fact gives us an opportunity to pay you earnings even in case if any of the transactions brought in less income than we could predict. Another benefit is the automation that eliminates the human factor. However, you can keep track of your funds online, and withdraw your earnings at any time from your account that only you can have access to. And that is another advantage – absolute confidentiality. We will not disclose your data, and we will not tell anyone how much money you earn, and we never pass your personal information to any third parties.

Join the BitButterflyLTD team today, do not put your dreams and aspirations for later!

Investment Plans :

Min 0.001 BTC Max 2.499 BTC
Hourly Profit 0.15%
Dialy Profit 3.6%

Min 2.500 BTC Max 4.999 BTC
Hourly Profit 0.17%
Dialy Profit 4.08%

Min 5.000 BTC Max ~
Hourly Profit 0.19%
Dialy Profit 4.56%

All Deposits Work For Lifetime, 5% Initial Deposit Withdrawal Fee

Payment systems: Bitcoin

Minimum deposit: 0.001

Withdrawal Type: Instant

Referral commissions: 5%

SSL: COMODO RSA Extended Validation Secure Server CA
Registrar: NameCheap, Inc
Hosting: TOV Highload Systems
Name Servers: