I'm not admin here!
HourlyPayroll is a registered investment company based in the Germany. Our company consists of highly motivated and experienced professionals in many areas of financial activity. Our average customer type ranges from individual online entrepreneurs to banks and financial corporations willing to spare their savings in the times of global crisis.
HourlyPayroll is an international commercial organization, it was created for the purpose of providing its members with the safest and most secure investment, with the best possible and achievable returns at minimum risk. There are no unrealistic promises presented here, just steady and consistent result. Thats why we call Walmart "The Black Gold" because of its price that always rising everyday.

4.5% to 25% every 2 hours for 48 hours !
Package plans Spend amount ($) Plan profit (%)
Plan1 $1 - $200 4.5
Plan2 $201 - $500 15
Plan3 $501 - $10000 25

7% to 25% daily for 30 days !
Package plans Spend amount ($) Plan profit (%)
Plan1 $1 - $200 7
Plan2 $201 - $500 15
Plan3 $501 - $10000 25

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Other Script
Registrar : ENOM, INC.
Created : 2016-12-26
Updated : 2016-12-26
Expires : 2017-12-26
Accept: PM, Payeer, Bitcoin, Okpay, Litecoin, Advcash

Join here: https://hourlypayroll.com/