I'm not the admin! :)


We do our best in this sphere. What makes us different from our competitors? We are a customer-oriented company providing only high-quality services. Always the best, serviceable bikes, safety harnesses and safety equipment for cyclists.

Bikefor.me in numbers

4 years on rental market
First units of bike rentals appeared on the streets of Amsterdam in the distant 2012

1.5k bicycles rented
Every day we give in rent more than 100 bikes on all units of bike rentals

2.2 million of gross revenue
Earned during this period in total from all units of bike rentals bikefor.me

Up to 3% daily

Referral Commission:
7% - 3<5

Payment Processors:
Bitcoin, Advcash

Our deposit:
BTC amount: 0.04178 BTC
Hash:ffb23ba6ae7fdd03302ca840fc54d65475a1f58ed782f 5fa1f1f48035c5932fa