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Launch date: 20/09/2016

http://<a href="https://www.youtube....e=youtu.be</a>

Play mobile games to 30 minutes per day and earn between 120 and 330 dollars a month, without invitations and sales! And this is only possible with the company Merlim Network!

company Founders

Merlim Network is a private company Magitek International, operating in the field of IT technologies, software development, mobile games and applications, designed to promote and expand the customer Network MLM system.
Products: mobile games, mobile business applications, hardware, advertising for mobile applications

Business packages: $ 330, $ 530, $ 930
Passive income from the use of products from 4 - 6 - $ 11 per day, $ 720, $ 1080, $ 1980 for 6 months.

Marketing Plan (the main advantage)

Personal invitation - 10%

Binar, in TeleksFri for closing pairs:

Premium $ 40 a pair,
a pair Gold $ 70,
Platinum $ 100 a pair.

Leadership Bonus: from the level of Silver Stuff = 7% of the income of your first-line, 5% of the income of your second line, 3% of the income of your third line.

Payment packages with cards VISA, MasterCard, Bitcoin, bank. transfer.
Withdrawal: VISA card from the company, Bitcoin, bank. transfer.

My payment is $ 330

My link: https://merlim.network/dos1975