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CASH TRADER LIMITED is an online investment platform authorized and regulated by the United Kingdom Company House Authority under Company number SC552964. This information can be verified on the Company House website CHECK. CASH TRADER LIMITED is registered in England company No. SC552964. Registered office, 41 Duke Street, Edinburgh, EH6 8HH, SCOTLAND.
Our vastly experienced traders capitalize on inefficiencies in the global currency market (Forex, bullion and commodities trading) to frequently capture profitable opportunities. Over time the accumulation of all this trades transacted results in our ability to outperform most other investment vehicles. We have the potential to aggressively grow your wealth rapidly.
Most clients understand that in order to achieve higher than average returns, we must take on higher than average risk. Having said that, when you invest with Cash Trader limited you can be assured that the stability of your investment is one of our primary concerns.

PLAN 1: 30 days - Principal Return
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan A $10.00 - $499.00 2.30
Plan B $500.00 - $1499.00 2.40
Plan C $1500.00 - $50000.00 2.50

PLAN 2: 45 days - Principal Return
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan A $10.00 - $499.00 3.30
Plan B $500.00 - $1499.00 3.40
Plan C $1500.00 - $50000.00 3.50

PLAN 3: 60 days - Principal Return
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan A $10.00 - $499.00 4.30
Plan B $500.00 - $1499.00 4.40
Plan C $1500.00 - $50000.00 4.50

PLAN 4: 75 days - Principal Return
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan A $10.00 - $499.00 5.30
Plan B $500.00 - $1499.00 5.40
Plan C $1500.00 - $50000.00 5.50

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Licensed Script
Registrar GoDaddy.com, LLC
Created 2016-12-16
Updated 2016-12-22
Expire 2018-12-16
Accept: PM, Payeer, Bitcoin, Advcash

Join here: https://mycashtrader.com/