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Ethereum uses the most advanced technologies of the blockchain and have of many flexible mechanisms allowing to use it in the most different directions.
This system represents the distributed virtual machine allowing to develop the special distributed applications.
The Ethereum technology allows make a business even with the one of whom you don't know, because conditions are specified in a smart contacts.

EtherClassic: 2,8%

Amount:from 10$ to 1 000$
Term:100 days
Accruals:0.117% every hour
It will be credited to the deposit 10

Etherpremium: 3,0%
Amount:from 10$ to 15 000$
Term: infinitely
Accruals:0.125% every hour
It will be credited to the deposit 10

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
H-script Licensed
Registrar ENOM, INC.
Created 2016-08-16
Updated 2016-08-22
Expire 2017-08-16
Accept: PM, Payeer, Bitcoin

Join here: https://etherminers.net/