Program Description:

Forxmine mission is to unite lovers of a global cryptocurrency and provide superior products and services for all of you.
With the help of partners who bring the most cost effective Bitcoin/Litecoin/Dogecoin/Dash/Ethereum miners in the world.
The forxmine-group provides the most stable and profitable cloud mining services. Forxmine hash with competitive price, makes it much easier for investors to join the party.
Bitcoin/Litecoin/Dogecoin/Dash/Ethereum start to be generated the moment you invest in mining-the cloud Group.
Currently Forxmine offers the best investment options that are available for everyone.
Forxmine provide top class site security with a SSL for the protection of your account.
Forget about any risks and possibility of losing your money.
Open an account, and watch the growth of your investment.

Investment plans:

F CLOUD PLAN: 0.89% Daily for lifetime. Min $0 and Max $15

X CLOUD PLAN: 0.95% Daily for lifetime. Min $15 and Max $75

M CLOUD PLAN: 1.21% Daily for lifetime. Min $75 and Max $75,000

Other features:

Sign Up bonus 2000 Dogecoins

Which cryptocurrencies can I mine here at FXM?

Our huge network allows you to mine any combination of 7 different currencies: BTC, LTC, DASH, ETH, DOGE, EUR, USD.

Minimum withdrawal: 0.001BTC, 0.1LTC, 0.06DASH, 3000DOGE, 0.06ETH, 0.5EUR, 0.5USD.

Referral commission: 5%

SSL encryption

DDoS Protected

Payment options: Perfectmoney, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, Dogecoin

-->Take a look here<--


The amount of 40 USD has been withdrawn from your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U5430333->U12884440. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. . Date: 22:19 06.10.16. Batch: 149325892.