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Start: 08.04.2016

SocialBitcoin is a community of people providing each other financial help on the principle of gratuitousness, reciprocity and benevolence.
Accepted: BitCoin BTC
Withdrawal: Instant (every hour automatically to the purse).
Referral Plan: 11% for members - 22%
Commission for withdrawal: NO
Minimum deposit: 0.01 BTC
Maximum: unlimited
SSL: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA - Valid from August 2, 2016 to August 3, 2017

Invest Plan: 2% per hour to 100 hours (total 200%)

>>> Link for Registeration <<<

Deposit: 0.02 BTC ($11.31)
2016-08-03 22:10:55 https://blockchain.info/tx/9bea1ded1...1f7b9750043f98