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About us:
Tradedaily.biz provides trust asset management services on the international exchange Forex market. Philosophy of our company is: <>

Tradedaily.biz was founded in 2014 by a group of expert exchange market traders. After long consultations, analytical investigation of brokerage service market it was decided to create a company, which could fill unsatisfied demand in the area of trust asset management services on the Forex market.

Investment plans:
140% After 1 Day
Minimum: $2
Maximum: $10000
Principal Included

220% After 2 Days
Minimum: $100
Maximum: $10000
Principal Included

350% After 3 Days
Minimum: $100
Maximum: $10000
Principal Included

500% After 5 Days
Minimum: $100
Maximum: $10000
Principal Included

700% After 7 Days
Minimum: $100
Maximum: $10000
Principal Included
Features project:

#Accepts - Perfect Money, Bitcoin, Payeer
#Ref. commissions - 11%
#SSL encrypted
#DDos Protection
#Dedicated Hosting

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