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Started: 05.07.2016

Program Description:
Worn tires are quite valuable polymer raw materials: 1 tonn of tire contains about 700 kilograms of rubber, which can be reused for production of fuel, rubber products and materials for construction application. Our company is engaged in processing of tires in order to obtain the raw material for the rubber crumb coatings production. Such coatings can be both bulk and consist of prefabricated slabs. Such coating is widely used in the construction of outdoor games and children's playgrounds, racetracks and stadiums. The main advantage of such a coating is wear-resistance. Unlike the classical glinopeschanogo cover plate made of the rubber crumb serves till 7 years, then it is enough just to update the upper layer.
We have 16 separator installations, each produces a half tons of crumb rubber a day. Such a large number of raw materials is enough to build 7-9 playgrounds.

Investment plans:
1-5 days
2% daily
- instant interest payments
- deposit is frozen
- income 10%

6-20 days
+0.2% daily
- deposit is available for withdrawal
- daily rate increase
- income up to 64%

after 20 days
5% daily
- deposit is available for withdrawal
- lifelong payments
- infinite income

* Payment Processors: Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin.
* Minimum Deposit: $10-$10000
* Referral program: 3 levels: 5%-3%-1%
* DDoS protection: DDOS-GUARD
* SSL encrypted: COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA - Valid from July 4, 2016 to July 5, 2017
* Withdrawal: Instant

The amount of 200 USD has been withdrawn from your Perfect Money account. Accounts: ->U11214520. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. New deposit from HyipHunter_biz.. Date: 21:20 05.07.16. Batch: 138896532.