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Genius Hash Limited proudly presents a safe and lucrative Bitcoin investment platform
Founded in 2016, Genius Hash Limited has quickly established itself as a trusted cryptocurrency investment company, offering a comprehensive set of services for Bitcoin holders to make sound investments and safeguard their financial future. Based in London, Hourly Coins Limited has invested in a diversified staff of leading professionals across a broad spectrum of specialties, including engineering, advanced computational technology, and cryptocurrency mining techniques.
There is no restriction policy applied to membership when it comes to citizenship, geographical location our any other outside related factor. Any participant from any part of the world is welcome to join, to benefit from Bitcoin cloud mining services that we provide as well as use our other available services.

0.15% - 0,20% hourly forever

Affiliate Program

First Level

Representative bonus:10%
Standard bonus:5%

Second Level

Representative bonus:4%
Standard bonus:2%

Third Level

Representative bonus:2%
Standard bonus: 1%

Payment Processor:

Check GoldCoders' HYIP Manager License
geniushash.com - Licensed