I am not owner or administrator. Information has been posted here only for discussion.
Start: Dec 9th, 2015
Features: Expensive DDoS protection, SSL encryption, Dedicated server/IP, Unique design, Unique script

About HYIP (machine translation):
The project activities are based on the principle of distribution of cash flow and diversified trading activities in all possible directions, including trade binary options. Together with our programmers, we have developed a unique and use automated trading systems, which are designed to ensure maximum profitability with a small loss. Our advisors are not afraid of any market upheavals, and they consistently generate income for more than 3 years.
Investment Plans: 8% in 10 days | 20% in 20 days | 32% in 30 days
Principal Return: Yes
Charging: 7 days in week

Minimal Spend: 500 RUB
Maximal Spend: 15,000 RUB
Referral: 5%
Withdrawal: Manual
Payment systems: Payeer, QIWI, Yandex.Money

Our investment:
Дата операции: 10 Дек 2015 16:02
ID операции: 111812808
Тип операции: перевод
Статус: выполнен
Сумма списания: 1 962.00 p
Сумма получения: 1 962.00 p
Комментарий: deposit from [email protected]
Аккаунт: P24745144

Дата операции: 13 Дек 2015 20:16
ID операции: 112743562
Тип операции: перевод
Статус: выполнен
Сумма списания: 10 500.00 p
Сумма получения: 10 500.00 p
Комментарий: deposit from sqmonitor
Аккаунт: P24745144

Payment received:
Date: 10.12.2015 19:49:08
ID: 111892285
Details: P24745144 → P1050055
Amount: 62.00 p
Comment: Выплата от Trader inc спасибо, что Вы с нами

Link: http://trader-master.com/