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Welcome to ClockHourly.Com

After months of planning the marketing strategy and setting up the website, we are finally proud to announce our investment program as launched. We strive to beat every investment program on the market. Our server is fully dedicated, DDoS protected and secured.
ClockHourly offers a very convenient way for every individual to make handsome profits from the online forex trading. Our expert team is very experienced and knows how to generate profits even in the falling markets. You don't need to know anything about trading. You just need to deposit and our team will handle everything. We provide you the best support and offer you several hourly investment plans, among which you can choose more convenient for you. We guarantee that your investment in Forex will bring you profit.

2% - 3.5% Hourly For 60 Hours
Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10.00 - $200.00 2.00
Plan 2 $201.00 - $500.00 2.20
Plan 3 $501.00 - $1000.00 2.40
Plan 4 $1001.00 - $2000.00 2.60
Plan 5 $2001.00 - $5000.00 2.80
Plan 6 $5001.00 - $10000.00 3.00
Plan 7 $10001.00 - $20000.00 3.20
Plan 8 $20001.00 - $50000.00 3.50

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Licensed Script
Registrar ENOM, INC.
Registrar Status clientTransferProhibited
Create: 2015-09-03 - Expire: 2016-09-03 - Update: 2015-09-03
Accept: PM, Payeer

Join here: https://clockhourly.com/

My deposit:
The amount of 50 USD has been withdrawn from your Perfect Money account.
Accounts: U4603107->U9730416. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment.
Deposit to ClockHourly.Com User hyiptank.net..
Date: 14:51 05.09.15. Batch: 100929232.