Dear Investors,

Coin Invest Trust invests money to organize our own auctions and refers people to participate. The profit gained from each sale covers the initial masterpiece cost and all dividends distributed between our company members. This ridiculously simple way of business is now available to anyone with an internet access and debit.

By investing any amount that you can, you help the company with each auction sale and then company helps you by crediting dividends on the amount you invested. The more you invest, the more you help the company, and the more company helps you. Become our customer today and get involved in this mutual money making opportunity.

Plan 1: Bronze
Min: 5$
Max: 249$
1.8% Daily for 7 days
Ref. Comm. 4%

Plan 2: Silver
Min: 250$
Max: 499$
2.2% Daily for 14 days
Ref. Comm. 5%

Plan 3: Golden
Min: 500$
Max: 2999$
2.5% Daily for 21 days
Ref. Comm. 6%

Plan 4: WhiteGold
Min: 3000$
Max: 7999$
3% Daily for 30 days
Ref. Comm. 7%

Plan 5: Diamond
Min: 8000$
Max: 15000$
3.6% Daily for 40 days
Ref. Comm. 12%

Kind Regards,
Joe Harris