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Founded in 2015, www.cashgenbot.com is an investment operating company focused on pursuing economic opportunities in Norway. www.cashgenbot.com is the operating company behind a number of Norway-based companies in five key industries with growth potential in Norway: property, natural resources, securities, construction, and construction materials. Our management team has a unique on-the-ground mix of local and international experience. www.cashgenbot.com and its portfolio companies employ investment professionals and operations specialists from a variety of backgrounds ranging from venture capitalists to strategy consultants and corporate finance specialists to real estate experts. We work primarilly with small investors, high net worth individuals and a select group of corporate investors. Our investment and operations team source ideas and investment opportunities and collaborate closely to design ways of growing and improving the business through capital funding, marketing, human resources and strategy. We emphasize a strong focus on operational execution, ever mindful of the competitive marketplaces of the global economy and the windows of opportunity that present themselves.

1. 103% After 1 Day ( Min. $5 )

2. 1.5% Daily For 60 Days ( Min. $1 )

3. 2.2% Daily For 365 Days ( Min. $300 )

4. 2.6% Daily For 365 Days ( Min. $1000 )

5. 3% Daily For 365 Days( Min. $5000 )