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Welcome to Combo Credit!

Combo Credit helps borrows money from its membership and lends it to start-up companies that show growth potential and good standing. In return, Combo Credit shares with its membership part of the income generated from the re-payments from those firms. All funds used for lending to start-up companies are sourced from the Combo Credit website. The members of the site earn 144% ROI on their deposits and can choose from three different plans depending on their investing preferences.

16% Daily for 9 days
Minimum: $4 - Maximum $40 000
Principal Included - Compounding Available

18% Daily for 8 days
Minimum: $4 - Maximum $144
One deposit running at a time
Principal Included

144% after 7 days
Minimum: $4 - Maximum $40 000
Principal Included - Compounding Available

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Licensed Script
Registrar ENOM, INC.
Created 2014-10-11
Updated 2014-10-10
Expire 2015-10-11
Accept: PM, Payeer, Bitcoin

Join here: https://combocredit.com/