Our company has worked in the sphere of professional sports forecasting since 2010. It was established in Spain and after that was reregistered on Seychelles in 2013.
The reason for this was enactment of the law about 20% taxes on gambling winnings, which made the profitable business in Europe impossible.
Freebooting (capeting) - the main direction of our activity. For this purposes we created our own a group of professional analysts, each of which specializes in one kind of sport.

0.5% daily for 18 days
0.7% daily for 35 days
1% daily for 61 days
1.2% daily for 93 days
4% weekly for 4 week
6% weekly for 7 week
8% weekly for 13 week
10% weekly for 27 week
Min $10 - Max $20000

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Registrar ENOM, INC.
Updated Date: 2014-12-02
Creation Date: 2014-10-16
Expiration Date: 2017-10-16
Name Server: NS1.H-DDOS.COM
Name Server: NS2.H-DDOS.COM
Accept: PM, EG, Payeer

Join here: https://palencia-capital.com/