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OK Deposit

Launched Date: Dec 11, 2014

About OK Deposit

OK Deposit is working in bitcoin market. Our company is trading in bitcoin and make profits for all of our investors. We buy low price bitcoin in one market and sell high price bitcoin in another market. All trade is made by our company software and it work 24 hours a day! All trade will be made in the same time and we don't worry about our profits, we can make about 3%-20% profits daily from our software.

OK Deposit choose these bitcoin market for trading for now,BTC-E,Bitfinex,Virtex,OKcoin,HUOBI. If you find more great bitcoin market please contact us and we will added. All deposits will exchange bitcoin in the market and exchange back to pay profits for all investors. And bitcoin deposit will be more welcome here.
Investment Plans:

1.1% - 1.3% daily for 30 days
103% - 110% after 1 day
150% - 200% after 5 days

Accepted Payment Processors: PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, Bitcoin

Withdrawal Type: Manual

Referral Commission: 5%

Program Link: http://okdeposit.com/