Welcome to BTperfex!

BTperfex is an exchange service, with option to join by partnering up. Investing with BTperfex gives you the opertunity to make a profit from our exchange service. We will be partners and share the profit generated and shared on basis on your invested size equal to all.

Investment plans:
Plan Name Plan Deposit Earning Credited
Easy Cash Earner: 1.25% daily for 180 days : $50.00 - $2500.00
Medium Cash Earner: 1.50% daily for 180 days : $2500.00 - $7000.00
Hard Cash Earner: 2.00% daily for 180 days : $7000.00 - $50000.00

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Surfcriptpro Script
Registrar Wild West Domains, LLC
Created 2014-11-12
Expire 2015-11-12
Accept: PM, Bitcoin

Join here: https://btperfex.com/