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Welcome to OBiv.net - a leading private trading and investment company which provides you the safest way to multiply your money.After years of successful partnership with some investment clubs and working offline with private investors, we finally decided to launch our private online investment platform on June, 4th 20014.
Plan: 120% after 1 day Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $5 - $250 102.00 Plan 2 $251 - $500 103.00 Plan 3 $501 - $800 106.00 Plan 4 $801 - $1,500 108.00 Plan 5 $1,501 - $2,500 110.00 Plan 6 $2,501 - $5,000 115.00 Plan 7 $5,001 - $10,000 120.00 Calculate your profit >> 200% after 3 days! Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $5 - $250 108.00 Plan 2 $251 - $500 112.00 Plan 3 $501 - $800 121.00 Plan 4 $801 - $1,500 127.00 Plan 5 $1,501 - $2,500 145.00 Plan 6 $2,501 - $5,000 160.00 Plan 7 $5,001 - $10,000 200.00 Calculate your profit >> 300% after 5days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $250 115.00 Plan 2 $251 - $500 125.00 Plan 3 $501 - $800 140.00 Plan 4 $801 - $1,500 150.00 Plan 5 $1,501 - $2,500 180.00 Plan 6 $2,501 - $5,000 205.00 Plan 7 $5,001 - $10,000 300.00 Payment Processor : PM, EG, Payeer Join obiv here