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Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned investor, our investment strategies and advertising services are designed to help you reach your financial goals while remaining true to our founding values of service, loyalty, honesty and integrity. ProvisionStock Overall PayPan: Our Pay Plan has five distinct sections, each quite separate but all work together as one complete system. To benefit from all five sections, you only need to make three optional upgrades, first pay the required $5 monthly account upgrade fee, buy (optional) super cycler spots which activates your ProvisionStock.com 10 line super cycler - minimum $10 , and purchasing (optional) daily earning plans (add Shares) - minimum $5. The fourth section, the 5% referral bonus does not require an upgrade, you earn these bonuses whenever a member you have referred purchases super cycler spots or the daily earning plan. Referral plan pays you through 5 levels - 1%,1%,1%,1%,1%. The fifth section, all members both free and paid will earn a 10% matching sponsoring bonus in the ProvisionStock.com 10 line super cycler starting with cycler line six. members can earn up to $500 in super cycler bonuses alone. Note: Members have the option to purchase the 10 line super cycler and daily earnings plan. You can join both or just one, but the $5 monthly account upgrade fee is mandatory.
Investment Plans: 1.9%-2.99% for 65 days, 2.16%-2.61% for 60 days, re-purchase rule 30/70, monthly subscription required, cycler line plan Accepted Payment Processors: SolidTrustPay, EgoPay, PexPay Take a look and join here!