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About us:
Trace Race – will help you to save up the necessary amount and to get into that car which is pleasant to you, but any more in the virtual world, and in real life. For this there were created various routes (tariff plans) on which it is possible to fly at great speed, reeling up as many circles, as the route offers. Various routes are distinguished by the number of necessary circles (days) for its passage, and accordingly, as longer the route, as bigger prize fund. But remember, that on the routes can happen unforeseen situations. It is possible to lose control over your car and thus do not pass the route up to the end. In this case your contribution doesn't come back. You have to understand that passing of routes is the part of a financial pyramid and you are risking as a result not to receive anything. We, in turn, will do everything possible to clear your way from all the obstacles and help you to reach the finish.
Investment plans:
Levels Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)
PITTSBURG $10 - $100 3.50

115% IN 1 DAYS
Levels Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
INDIANAPOLIS $5 - $300 115.00

130% IN 2 DAYS
Levels Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
MONTREAL $5 - $250 130.00

250% IN 5 DAYS
Levels Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
MONTE CARLO $5 - $200 250.00
Features project:

Licensed GC script:
Check GoldCoders' HYIP Manager License
trace-race.com - Licensed
#Accepts - PM, EgoPay, OkPay
#Ref. commissions - up to 5%
#SSL encrypted
#DDos Protection
#Dedicated Hosting

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