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In the spring of 2010 one of the world’s biggest financial monsters Forex PAMM Traiding was shaken with a scandal: five employees left the company not able to come to terms with the management on questions, concerning the financial strategy. In only a month – on May 14th new company 3pamm Ltd, was founded. At that moment it could be considered sheer madness - Forex PAMM Traiding was far ahead of the young traders’ project. The time though proved them to be right. In 18 month the new company caught up with the Forex PAMM Traiding and by the end of 2012 the elder firm lagged so far behind that major investors fled it, preferring the younger competitor. Today we can tell that our experts were right for sure – this spring Forex PAMM Traiding declared bankruptcy.

Experienced and knowledgeable staff allowed us to outperform all of our competitors. That is the reason, why 3pamm Ltd today attracts the most investors.

Our leadership makes the best investment conditions for our customers possible. For example, according to 3pamm Ltd’s financial report for the first quarter of 2013 average profit of our investor amounted – depending on the service plan – from 10 to 33% a month! By the way, on the end of 2010 the figure was only 3-4%. And the company keeps growing!

If you’d like to get maximum profit with minimum effort and time losses, you can trust 3pamm Ltd!!!
1-2.3% daily for 12-85 days

Paymens 24h after request. 5 days a week
Ref - 5%+1%
Currencies - Perfectmoney, EgoPay, Qiwi, LiqPay, Bank

Compounding - 0-100%
SSL - Comodo 256b
Server and DDoS protection - HETZNER
Domain - registred for 5 years .com, .biz, .net
Website interface En, Ru
Other - FB, OL support, Calculator

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