A few words about banker union

Bankerunion.co new financial system based on the principle of the distribution of the cash flow bankerunion.co provide such a facility to earn every day.Our core business is Forex and oil investments. We will use your deposite to gain profit .That will help us to pay all our investors.Bankerunion.co accept online payments. Investors can invest with PerfactMoney and EgoPay , Paypal. Our supporting team will be online to solve your problems.our all functions are instant and automatic .so all of your transition will be automatic and instant. We promise you to pay all the investors who invest in bankerunion.co. Thank You to be a Part of Bankerunion.co.

5% daily for 15 days
7% daily for 15 days
9% daily for 15 days

Min $10 / Max $10000

SSL Encryption
DDos Protection
Registrar ENOM, INC.
Updated 2013-10-21
Expire 2014-10-04
Accept: PM, EG

Join here: https://www.bankerunion.co/