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Join ATB Union

The life path of ATB Union company began in March 2012 after the largest insurance company "Forex Traders Corporation" and financial group "CFM Monaco" pooled their assets in order to create a fundamentally new perspective structure. Later it was called ATB Union. During the first months of operation, the company has signed a number of agreements with leading foreign counterparts granting the access to the foreign exchange banking market and began its fruitful, active work on it.
1.0% daily for 25 days
Deposit: $10 - $499
Compounding: Available
Principal return: Yes

1.2% daily for 45 days
Deposit: $500 - $2,499
Compounding: Available
Principal return: Yes
1.6% daily for 60 days
Deposit: $2,500 - $4,999
Compounding: Available
Principal return: Yes

2.2% daily for 60 days
Deposit: $5,000 - $29,999
Compounding: Available
Principal return: Yes

2.4% daily for 60 days
Deposit: $30,000 - $90,000
Compounding: Available
Principal return: Yes

Accept: Perfect Money

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