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We present you a project that is called old-town. The project is designed for a smooth and steady growth, both on deposits and interest earned on payments. The principle of operation of the project is that the party has benefited from new arrivals investors. Payments manually to avoid unauthorized withdrawal various detractors. We have a data plan of 5% for 24 hours in 30 days: After the expiration of vkada, you will be refunded your deposit. We provide referral fee for participants involved with you in the amount of 10% of the amount of your contribution referala.Takim way you can make no contribution, and simply inviting the participants, who will make their money, and you will automatically be charged a commission. We have a Skype chat where you can chat with the participants of the project. The Commission, at the input and output of money missing. Our script is set up so that 10% of the amount received on the wallet PERFECTMONEY sent directly to Admin purse. This will be our reward for giving you the opportunity to earn. Good luck to everyone and a big profit!
Plan: 5% every 24 hours for 30 days Accept : PM Join old-towns here