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Today the human race depends on renewable energy sources like a child depends on the mother. We do not usually think about it, but in everything, in every step we take in modern life, we come in contact with the products of combustion. Oil, gas, coal…in their decay, together with the necessary energy mass of toxic substances, soot, carcinogens are released. Our dependence on fuel, like a cancer, erodes our planet. Forests are dying, rare animal species are disappearing, the ozone layer is thinning, global warming threatens the microclimate and fauna of the Earth’s poles. Humanity has led itself to the brick of destruction, and unfortunately, nowadays it is no longer a fantasy.

0.70% per day, output at any time
min - 10$
max - 300$
0.9% per day, output at any time
min - 301$
max - 1,000$
1.1% per day, output at any time
min - 1001$
max - 3,000$
1.4% per day, output at any time
min - 3001$
max - no

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Date : 09/15/2013 15:47
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Amount : -200.00
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